Doting Dads Do Best?

On my recent trip to Trinidad and Tobago, I was studying the potential benefits of paternal care in the Tobago glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium orientale). My student Jessica Pringle, was the first to show that fathers who provide parental care to their offspring (in the form of egg attendance) get benefits in the form of increased embryo survival.

This male is both calling and attending eggs and embryos from previous matings.
This male is both calling and attending eggs and embryos from previous matings.

Why might this be? In following up on Jessica’s work, I found that eggs without male egg attendance were more likely to be eaten by predators and also more likely to dry out. More on this study soon!

New species of frog described from Madagascar

This week, my colleagues Franco Andreone, Frank Glaw, Maciej Pabijan, Miguel Vences and I published a paper describing a previously unknown species of frog from Madagascar (click here for paper).  This species is known so far only from Ranomafana National Park and its vicinity. This puts the number of known mantellid frogs from Madagascar at 201 – all of which are endemic to this remarkable island. By comparison, there are currently 108 frog species known from the entire United States. We named the new species Guibemantis tasifotsy; in Malagasy “tasy” means “spot” and “fotsy” means “white” and this refers to the typical series of white spots on the flanks of this small, green frog.

Guibemantis tasifotsy

(Photos by Frank Glaw and Miguel Vences)

This new species is part of a lineage of mostly specialized plant-breeding frogs (subgenus Pandanusicola of the genus Guibemantis), however, current evidence suggests that the new species is a pond breeder (it has always been found calling near large swamps, not in the leaf axils of Pandanus plants as in the case with most other members of this group). Whether this is a retention of an ancestral condition or a reversal will be the subject of upcoming work. Several other unrecognized species are known or suspected based on current data. Look for additional species descriptions in the coming months!


Observations on Obscure and Deceased Crocodilians

I have a gharial in my office. What is a gharial you ask? Something Dr. Seuss dreamed up? No, actually it is a very distinctive crocodilian only found in a few river basins on the Indian subcontinent. They are highly aquatic, eat primarily fish and can reach over 20 feet in length and weigh over 2,000 pounds.

 File:Gavialis gangeticus, ZOO Praha 045.jpg

How do I get any work done with a hungry gharial in my office, you ask? Don’t I spend all day just avoiding it’s snapping jaws instead of grading tests or responding to email? Well, as you can see below, this particular gharial is rather dead.


I honestly have no idea what this huge gharial skull is doing in Wooster, Ohio. It appears to have been here for some years, but where it came from and who collected it has been lost to the mists of time. What I do know is that this is the skull of a male, as the bulbous growth on the tip of the snout is only found in males.  Apparently, male gharials use this structure to amplify “hisses” that come out of the nostrils to attract females. On a still day, the sound of a gharial “hiss” can be heard for up to a kilometer. Unfortunately, gharial hisses are very infrequently heard these days as the species is listed as critically endangered. Fewer than 300 individuals are thought to currently exist and their current distribution is less than 2% of their former geographic range.

So, even if you went to India to try and see this ancient fish-eater, you’d be unlikely to see one. Come by my office instead, really, it won’t bite.

Safely Returned From Another Trip to Trinidad and Tobago

Again this year, I took College of Wooster students with me on a research trip to Trinidad and Tobago. Despite venomous snakes, landslides and fallen trees blocking roads, and locals that absolutely insist on driving on the left, we had a highly successful trip. Jess McQuigg (’13) completed the second year of a long term monitoring project on the Bloody Bay Poison Frog, Meredith Eyre (’13) obtained some interesting and hard-won data on the ecology of Fitzgerald’s marsupial frog and Jessica Pringle (’13) adeptly studied the parental care behaviors of the Tobago glass frog.


Henry McGee (’13) began an inventory of the freshwater fish of of Tobago and Patrick Brennan (’13) and Krista Koeller (’13) collected DNA samples for molecular phylogenetic projects on the origin of some of T&T’s lizards and snakes.  

This year, we were based in the small village of Castara in Tobago where we lived and ate well, worked hard and made friends with Bingi the Fruit King among other Tobagonians. Congratulations to all the students for the successful completion of the field portion of their senior theses – now let’s analyze those data and/or get into the lab!


New Paper on Glass Frog Behavior Published

Just a few days ago, a paper came out in the journal Phyllomedusa by myself and former student Andrew Georgiadis (COW class of 2011). This paper, based in part on Andrew’s undergraduate thesis, describes parental care in male glass frogs (Hyalinobatrachium orientale) from the island of Tobago in the Caribbean.

What Andrew and I found was that males were often in direct contact with eggs on leaves overhanging streams. This seems likely to be an example of parental care as the males may increase the survival of their offspring by providing this care. Also, we found that developing embryos in the egg masses on the leaves will explosively hatch out of their egg capsules when prodded with foreceps or a stick. These “exploding embryos” can launch themselves up to 36 times their own body length! Stay tuned for future studies of these interesting behaviors in this species.

Photos by RML.