Poster Presentation at Evolution 2022

David Raines (’15) and I co-authored a poster entitled “Does past reproductive success influence subsequent reproductive performance?” at the recent Evolution conference in Cleveland, Ohio. This poster summarizes our work on female mate choice in the Tobago glass frog. For a digital copy of the poster, see here.

Frog Babies Help Me Through the Day

This morning a new strawberry poison dart frog metamorph made its first appearance. Brightened what had been a bit of a gloomy day. Welcome to this thing called life, little one.

Strawberry poison dart frog metamorph
Strawberry poison dart frog metamorph

2021 Cricket Frog Survey Data in the Books!

Back in June, Dr. Katherine Krynak (Ohio Northern University), John McCall (Michigan Tech. University) and I completed our fifth year of field surveys for Blanchard’s cricket frog, with the help of three awesome student assistants. We have been doing listening surveys for this species at 102 sites in northwestern Ohio since 2017, which builds on a five year data set from the same sites from 2004-2008. This year was a relatively good year for cricket frogs, with at least a third of the sites occupied.  Keep your eyes open for a forthcoming analysis of these survey data!

Blue skies in northwestern Ohio
Blue skies and cornfields in northwestern Ohio

New Paper on Glass Frogs Published

The online early version of our new paper on glass frog communities in old-growth and second-growth rain forests is now available. This paper is the result of seven expeditions over five years to Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago with my wonderful student co-authors. Click here to access the online version. Congrats all!

Lehtinen et al. 2021 paper
Lehtinen et al. 2021 paper